How Is KR 2.1 Tracking?
Of all the key results in our plan, this one will generate the most progress toward net zero: a cut of more than 16 gigatons of annual global emissions by 2035. Given that electricity demand stands to grow substantially over this period, reaching our target won’t be easy.
Based on natural resources, geography, and technical capacity, each country will chart its own path to an emissions-free grid. States and cities can lead this transition by setting more ambitious goals. Businesses and organizations can demand more aggressive targets.
To sharply reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, we need to install far more solar and wind capacity and to scale battery storage. We’ll also need more nuclear, hydro, and geothermal power plants. Nearly all of the coal, gas, and oil used for electrical power today needs to be severed from the grid. Any residual fossil fuels must be negated with carbon capture and storage.
Thirty-nine percent of the globe’s electricity, more than ever before, is now generated from zero-emissions sources. At the same time, we know that global demand for electricity will keep rising. Speed & Scale’s longer-term target–for clean sources to reach 90 percent by 2035–will require an unprecedented expansion of clean energy.